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Today was an absolute gorgeous autumn Sunday in London. The sun was shining and I was feeling fresh, so I decided to drag Matt out east to the Flower Markets. As soon as I stepped onto Columbia Road I saw my Stranger, her haircut, scarf and necklace caught my eye. However it wasn’t then that I approached her. The smell of flowers and screeches of “£5 orchids, only £5” was calling. Eager to get into the crowd I let her be. After inching our way through the congested stalls a couple of times I saw my stranger again, I had to ask her this time round. I approached her and her friend and after some hesitation she accepted! Yay! When I returned to Matt he asked, “So what was her name?” “Oh sh*t!” That will teach me for having a few weeks off the project. Out of practice. So stranger #3 if you see this please let me know your name and thank you so much again.