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CATEGORY: Portrait

Cooper came in to see me on the day of his 1st birthday for a cake smash session. His Mum organized a fab John Deere Tractor Cake to wear with his red band boots, TOO CUTE! But before he got stuck in we had some fun around the studio with his very own balloon wall, props, and play time in the sun. We let Cooper run the session, after all it was his special day! Thanks for being such a super star Cooper! TARANAKI BABY AND PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER: AIMEE KELLY PHOTOGRAPHY To View More >>

Now this guy was rad! Just look at him. Red-rimmed frames, hat, cigar, striped scarf, jewelry, leather jacket, need I say more? What charisma! I spotted Stranger number 4 while overlooking the fountain and lion sculpture at Trafalgar Square. Brendan was to the left of me, smoking his cigar and drinking his coffee in complete zen. Without hesitation I went to talk with him. “I’ve been asked this before you know, I don’t know what it is with me!?” This made me laugh. “My family never believe me when I tell them!” I decided to photograph Brendan as I saw him as To View More >>

Today was an absolute gorgeous autumn Sunday in London. The sun was shining and I was feeling fresh, so I decided to drag Matt out east to the Flower Markets. As soon as I stepped onto Columbia Road I saw my Stranger, her haircut, scarf and necklace caught my eye. However it wasn’t then that I approached her. The smell of flowers and screeches of “£5 orchids, only £5” was calling. Eager to get into the crowd I let her be. After inching our way through the congested stalls a couple of times I saw my stranger again, I had to ask her this time round. I approached To View More >>

When my friend Katie told me she wanted to spend her second to last Saturday at Portobello Market, (one of my favourite markets in London) I decided to grab my camera and come along. While the girls gushed over teapots and jewelry I went ahead to find my next stranger. The crowded Portobello Road was full of them, a stranger’s paradise. I had nearly walked the entire street without approaching anyone; I was working myself up something ridiculous. There were so many strangers I wanted to ask but at the last minute I would chicken out. Then I saw Eve, slightly to the side of the foot traffic To View More >>

I have less than a year (37 weeks, to be precise) left in London until my visa expires. With an acute sense of how time really does fly when you're having fun, I have decided to embark on a photographic project to document my stay here. The London Stranger is my tale of the city and its inhabitants. Growing up in a small town in New Zealand where everyone really does know everyone, I moved to London where everyone knows no one. It's that 'feeling of being anonymous in a city I've never been before' that defines London. It's that feeling that has come to define my own work. The infamous daily commute To View More >>